Innovative Instructional Techniques

Here at Redwood Early Childhood Center we use a Reggio inspired teaching/learning approach. Your children will be learning using hands-on experiences. They will learn from each other, and from the adults around them. This curriculum is meaningful, child-centered, and geared to address children's interests and developmental and cultural needs. As your child's teachers, we will provide materials and interactions to stimulate the emergence of your child's ideas and understandings. As the children engage, the teachers observe, offer guidance, and work with children in further pursuing their interests.
Information taken from: NLRSD website

Friday, September 2, 2011

We Have Some Amazing Parents in Room 12!

Just wanted to let everyone know our class will be recieving the PTA Ice Cream Sundae Party!!!  Thanks to one of our parents, the remaining 11 student's PTA memberships have been paid for in full!  So we have 100% PTA membership!  Thanks to everyone who joined!  And a special thanks to Tyler's mom and dad!

I also wanted to say congratulations to Ashley, Corey's mom, and Vlanika, Jayden's mom, for being elected our new PTA Secretary and Vice President!!!  Way to go guys!  I know you will do great things with and for our school!

Have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend! 

Miss Susan

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