Innovative Instructional Techniques

Here at Redwood Early Childhood Center we use a Reggio inspired teaching/learning approach. Your children will be learning using hands-on experiences. They will learn from each other, and from the adults around them. This curriculum is meaningful, child-centered, and geared to address children's interests and developmental and cultural needs. As your child's teachers, we will provide materials and interactions to stimulate the emergence of your child's ideas and understandings. As the children engage, the teachers observe, offer guidance, and work with children in further pursuing their interests.
Information taken from: NLRSD website

Saturday, November 26, 2011


    WOW!  What a busy holiday season this has been!!!!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I did!  Lots of food and family, what can be better:)  Well, school is getting ready to get back into full swing come Monday morning.  We have a lot of important events coming up:  Christmas program, Christmas parties, and our annual Pajama Day!  This is most definitley my favorite time of the school year!  We will be sending lots of information home this week about these events, so be sure to check your child's mailbox and read the notes carefully! 
  Enjoy your weekend!  See everyone Monday morning:)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Name Tracing

The children have been working really hard on recognizing their names, and tracing them.  Be sure to work with them at home to reinforce the importance of learning how to write their names!

Introducing glue...

We have been teaching the children the process of using glue.  Just a dot is all you need to make it stick!  They spent the week gluing buttons, little rocks, miniature square tiles, and plastic multi-colored chips to a canvas board.  Everyone worked so hard, and showed pride in their work!  Next week, we're going to add watercolor!